Up-level sentence
Circles - The eagle flew into the air.
Triangles - After drawing a picture, Melissa liked what she saw.
Squares - Susan put her hand into a bowl of water.
* add in an adjective
* add in a better starter
* add in an embedded clause
* add in a verb
* add in a semi-colon
WALT - To use colons to separate to independent clauses
We will meet at 11.00am to discuss this task.
Circles: Commas - see your Seesaw task.
You have been assigned a very quick task on Seesaw - have a go at it and see how you get on.
Please complete the tasks below on a piece of paper -write out the correct answers.
Triangles: click here - page 3 and 4
WALT - To be able to find duration of time
WALT - equivalent and simplifying fractions (use the fraction wall to help you)
Circles - 36x10 47.2x100 56.3x10 72.1x10 82.1x100
CT - 36x10 47.2x100 56.3x10 72.1x10 82.1x100
Triangles- 54.2x100 537.3x10 632.80x10 930.23x10 183.02x10
Squares - 21.401x10 583.10x100 801.01x10 841.001x10 8040.0102x100
Maths tasks
WALT - to be able to find duration of time.
Circles - A day out (page 1 and 2)
CT - A day out (page 4 and 5)
Triangles- A day out (page 6 and 7)
Challenge question - what is the duration from departure to arrival for each question?
Train timetable
Depart Arrive
Thurso 16:20 Inverness 20:10
Inverness 20:40 Crewe 05:32
Crewe 05:40 Birmingham 06:58
Birmingham 07:10 Bristol 08:41
Bristol 09:15 Penzance 13:18
Reading tasks for the week
Reading tasks for the week
Letters from the lighthouse Chapter 2 (find chapter 2 by scrolling down)
Tasks for week 2 (find week 2 tasks by scrolling down)