Monday 4 May 2020

Monday 4th May

Good Morning Year 5 and 6

Daily well being checklist - Try to tick them all, off every day :-) 

Meet at:
08:30 for support only, for the maths target teaching, or anything else please do so, I will open my zoom up for any questions.
08:45 for registration
10:00 Literacy
11.00 Read and discuss Chapter 5
13:15 for Kahoot - rotation  (I will put the code on Seesaw at 13:00 please ensure you are logged in and ready for 13:15) 


WALT - to write speech criteria correctly

Speech criteria:
"   "    
punctuation look at how it punctuation mark is used
differently for each sentence
NLNS - New Line New Speaker
Other words for said and an adverb to describe the 
Present tense

"Hello, how are you," whispered Fred quietly.
Jane shouted loudly, "I'm really good, thank you."

Write a dialogue that these two children are saying to each other, using all of the correct speech criteria. 

WALT - Innovate the opening paragraph of my time portal story 

We will meet at 10:00 to discuss this task. 


All tasks write the answers on paper and upload to seesaw

Target Teaching: WALT - lowest common multiple

How to find the lowest common multiple (this links into your fractions common denominator)

If you have to find the lowest common multiply for 5 and 3. 
List both tables and see the lowest number that is the same in both tables. 

Circles -  LCM TABLES      
3 AND 4,   3 AND 6,    3 AND 9 
4 AND 6,   3 AND 4,    2 AND 8 
Triangles- LCM  TABLES      
6 AND 8,   3 AND 9,    10 AND 4
Squares - highest common factors:  
32, 16, and 24 . List the factors of all three of these numbers. 
32 = 2x16, 4x8,
16 = 2x8, 4x4
24 = 3x8, 4x6, 2x12
It can't be 2 or 4 as they are not the highest factors (they can't have 1 as a factor)
Which times table is in all of these and is the highest = therefore 8 HCF
Have a go at 12 20 32,      18 24 27,       16 20 32

WALT - To understand how to rotate shapes extending to 4 quadrants.

WATCH THE VIDEO SO YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO COMPLETE THE TASK - this is difficult so you have to watch the video.

Circles: task - Turning circles
CT: Task - rotating shapes
Triangles - Task - Rotating shapes in 4 Quads
Squares - task - rotating shapes at different points


Kahoot at 1.15

Reading tasks for the week.

Letters from the lighthouse Chapter 5 Caring for an Evacuee
 Tasks for week 5 

• How does Emma Carroll show you that the train journey took a long time?
• How did Olive react when she saw the lighthouse?
• Why might they turn the lighthouse off?
• Why were the villagers arguing over who would get the strongest boys?
• What impression do you get of Queenie, despite not meeting her?

Creative curriculum task
• Imagine you were getting an evacuee coming to stay with you. Design and create a menu for a meal or feast that you would give them on their first night, that would show them your personality, likes and culture.

Writing task
• Write the ghost story ‘The Hairy Hands’.
• Write a person specification for an evacuee to help out on a farm. Think carefully about the skills they would need and why they would need them.