Wednesday 20 May 2020

Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning Year 5 and 6

Daily well being checklist - Try to tick them all off every day :-) 

Meet at:
08:30 for support only, for the maths target teaching, or anything else please do so, I will open my zoom up for any questions.
08:45 for registration
11:00 MATHS
13:15 Kahoot


WALT - write a list using : ; ,

Remember how to use the punctuation:

When I went shopping I brought: some eggs, free range size large; 5 chocolate bars, Cadbury's Crunchies; 2 packets of crisps, ready salted and BBQ flavour; 3 tins of dog food, fish flavoured Ceaser pate and 4 packets of sweets, jelly babies, wine gums, smarties and buttons. 
Look at how I have used the punctuation. 

WALT - Reading comprehension questions

Answer the questions in full, using the text to back up your answer - PEE (point, evidence, explanation)

Portal Story Billy the Time traveller.
  1. Describe what the door would look like?
  2. Name 4 different items of food Billy found on the enormous table?
  3. What has the author used to build description of the fresh strawberries?
  4. What do you think is meant by; “being a person who like to ask questions”?
  5. What was the dragon carved out of?
  6. What word has the author used repeatedly to describe some of the objects? Why do you think he did this?
  7. Write down the sentence or words that gives a reason why Billy took a bite of the apple?
  8. Can you describe in your own words what “sunlight” would taste like?
  9. What is meant by the word “mocking” in paragraph 5?
  10. Do you think Billy would like to make it back into the mystery world? Give reasons? 


Target Teaching: WALT - weight problem (no not me!)

The task is on Seesaw

WALT - to use formulas to calculate problems. 

Meet at 11:00 Zoom - DO NOT do this until we have met.
Power point from today's meeting

Circles: task - formula problems p1

CT: task -formula problems p2 and 3
Triangles -task-formula problems p4
Squares - task - formula problems.

You will like this :-)

Reading tasks for the week.

Letters from the lighthouse Chapter 6 Do your duty
 Tasks for week 7 - Lend a hand on the land

• What does Queenie mean by ‘breakfast is for time wasters’?
• Do you think Olive really means it when she says that she thinks Queenie sides with the enemy?
• How long does it take Olive and Cliff to eat the bun?
• Why shouldn’t you go past the last groyne?
• What does Olive mean when she refers to the note as being ‘tatty’.
• Why might Esther be upset?
• Predict what happens next.

Writing task
• Put yourself in Cliff’s shoes and describe the moment you took the lid off the buns and then was finally allowed to have one.
• Write a continuation of the chapter, but where it turns out that actually it was just another noise, that Olive and Mrs Drummond had mistaken for planes, and afterwards they fall about laughing.

Creative Curriculum
• Draw the map of Olive’s route, using the text.