Friday, 12 June 2020

Friyahhhday 12th June

Good Morning Year 5 and 6

Daily well being checklist - Try to tick them all off every day :-) 

07:30 Maths
08.15 Malay and Mandarin 
09:30 Literacy
10:30 Celebration Assembly
Kahoot 11:15
ALL work to be submitted by 11:45 today

Literacy - We will meet at 9:30

WALT - to identify the difference between a statement, exclamation, question or command


statement     exclamation     question     command

Copy out the sentences below and write beside them what type of sentence they are. 
(a) Have you been swimming? 
(b) Go and get the work-bags. 
(c) Oh no! 
(d) The boy was running. 
(e) He went to the shops. 
(f) Can you think of another sentence? 
(g) I don’t believe it! 
(h) Put your chairs on the table. 

WALT - To edit and improve your diary entry

To edit and improve your work. This is something that you really do struggle with. 
Look at your success criteria - have you met EVERYTHING
Sentence level work: conjunctions, sentence lengths, use of punctuation including : ; (), sentence starters, embedded clauses. 
When you are happy with the editing, type up on WORD and post onto Seesaw. 

MATHS We will meet at 07:30  for maths. 

Target Teaching: 

WALT: multiplying by 10,100,1000

Use your place value grid to help you
Circles: 34x10,  45x100, 543x10, 634x10, 641x100
CT: 57x100, 435x100, 574x10, 530x1000, 549.4x100

Triangles: 345.3x10, 534.2x100, 53x100, 603.9x1000, 560.2x10

Squares: 53.43x100,  53.010x10,  32.90 x100,  520.01x1000,   291.01x10

WALT – ratio and proportion real life problems

We will meet at 07:30 for maths. 

Circles: ratio and proportion questions task p1
CT:  ratio and proportion questions task p2
Triangles: ratio and proportion questions task p7

Squares:  ratio and proportion questions task

Kahoot at 11.00

Reading tasks for the week - we will meet Monday to Thursday at 8.45am. 

Letters from the lighthouse Chapter 8 Attack on all fronts Tasks for week 8 - 

• How does Olive try to bargain with Esther?
• What does ‘it was all fists and feet’ mean?
• Do you think it was fair that Queenie decided Olive and Cliff had to leave?
• What emotions do you think Olive is feeling about leaving?

Writing task
• Write a diary entry for these events from the perspective of Olive.
• Write a diary entry for these events from the perspective of Esther.
• Write a diary entry of these events from the perspective of Queenie.
• Write a diary entry of these events from the perspective of Cliff.

Creative Curriculum
• Make a fact file about what Kindertransport was.