Thursday 21 May 2020

Mandarin on 22nd May - shēngrì 生日 (Birthday)

Nǐ hǎo!  We will meet at 8.15am tomorrow for our Mandarin Zoom session. Zoom meeting details can be found on Seesaw.

Our topic is shēng rì 生日 (Birthday). 

1) We will look at how to say our own date of birth in Mandarin Chinese as well as your family members'.

Q: de shēng  shì yuè hào?   (When is your birthday?)
A:  de shēngrì  shì wǔyuè èrshíèr hào。

Q:nǐ nián chū shēng? (Which year were you born?)A:   Wǒ 1992 nián chū shēng

2) We will also sing Happy Birthday Song in Chinese.

See you tomorrow.

Gao Lao Shi