Tuesday 12 May 2020

Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning Year 5 and 6

Daily well being checklist - Try to tick them all off every day :-) 

Meet at:
08:30 for support only, for the maths target teaching, or anything else please do so, I will open my zoom up for any questions.
08:45 for registration
10:00 MATHS
11:00 Guided reading
13:15 Kahoot


WALT - short sentence

Use the Sentence starters task - use the online dice again to determine the sentence starters you are going to use.
Write short 3 sentences, maximum of 5 words. 

WALT - Begin to draft my ideas for my 5th paragraph - The Resolution  

The resolution -  again this will take a couple of days, so please do not rush this.

Read our model text (Build up section is below), 
look at:

  • how punctuation is used
  • sentence starters and sentence length
  • adventurous vocabulary
  • use of figurative language (onomatopoeia, similes) 
  • speech criteria
  • think of your final sentence.
Use these ideas to help you with your writing task.

Andy took them back into the empty room and knocked the knocker. She knocked again. And again. She was waiting impatiently for the door to open; Andy kept knocking, but nothing. “Andy, you have a vivid imagination,” said Eva, sharply. They all walked away.
Every day for the next month Andy returned to the empty room and knocked and knocked and knocked; the door never opened. 


All tasks write the answers on paper and upload to seesaw

Target Teaching: WALT - comparing fractions

Watch the video

Use the dice to generate your own problems. 
Roll 4 dice, 2 for the first fraction and 2 for the second fractions.

Circles - 6 dice
CT - 8 dice
Triangles- 10 dice 
Squares - 12 dice

WALT - To understand how to interpret pie charts

Meet at 10:30 Zoom - DO NOT do this until we have met.

Circles: task - to draw and interpret a line graph p1&2

CT: task - to draw and interpret a line graph p3&4
Triangles - task -to draw and interpret a line graph p5&6
Squares - task - to draw and interpret a line graph

If you are unsure on how to do the pie chart watch this Power point. 


Reading tasks for the week.

Letters from the lighthouse Chapter 6 Do your duty
 Tasks for week 6 

• Why did Queenie have
blackout curtains on her
• Why does Queenie greet the children the way she does?
• How does Olive feel about it?
• Find a synonym for ‘lazy people’ on page 58.
• Why didn’t Cliff want to go into the attic?
• Why does Olive lie to her mum in the postcard?
• What impression do you get of Queenie, now that you have
met her?

Writing task
Rewrite the postcard – but write it honestly.
• Rewrite this part of the story from Queenie’s perspective.

Creative Curriculum
• Thinking about what you know about Budmouth Point, design the postcard
that Olive might have sent home..  If this is too difficult design one for Brunei.